Why English is ever so important in Business?

I’ll keep it super simple for everyone to understand. What is the key factor in business? The answer is communication. Well, what is the global language? It’s English of course! So, English is the key factor in business. You might argue that your company is very successful in its region/country and you do not use English in your company; however, if you ever want to expand beyond your region/country, you are going to fail due to several reasons.

Business English - Products

First of all, even if you produce the best product in your field, no one will ever know about it. Why? How are you going to present your product to customers that do not speak your language? You might try to learn their language but what about another region/country? Are you willing to learn every single language of the region/country your company is going to expand to? You need a language that is spoken all over the world, and that’s English.

Business English - Employees

Second, the most important aspect of any business is its employees. The product itself is obviously very important, but you need qualified employees to produce them. You are limited to the employees within your region/country unless your company is using English as an official language to communicate between departments/units. There are lots of individuals with superb skill-sets in every field throughout the world and guess what? Your firm needs to speak English in order to employ them.

Business English - Information

Lastly, you need to be up to date with everything happening in your field of business. There are countless companies sharing their accomplishments, advancements, failures, etc., and it’s likely that this information is useful to your company. A company might have overcome a difficulty that your company is currently trying to deal with, or an another company might have achieved whatever your company is trying to achieve at the moment. With English, you have access to this information and so use it for your advantage.

Business English - Start Today!

To sum it all up, English is the global language and without it you and/or your company will remain behind of your competitors. In order to advance in your field English is a must. Don’t wait any longer, start using English in your company now!

About Serkan Burak Koçoğlu

Serkan is an English linguist who focuses his studies mainly on language acquisition and education. He is also an experienced EFL teacher with CELTA. Besides teaching, he has worked on several projects including designing an online teacher training system and online foreign language acquisition course. Currently, he is further pursuing his career in South Korea.

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